Sunday, September 5, 2010

Pretzel Necklace

Pretzel Necklace at Denver Summer Brew Fest!
To the left here you can see my pretzel necklace I made for the Denver Summer Brew Fest, which was very good and I'll have to post about that later. I learned alot from this pretzel necklace. As you can see the pretzels are pretty big. They were great and I'll use them again, however they get heavy fast so it's not comfortable to put more than just a few on there. I did notice another couple that had made one with two or three of the big pretzels and a couple dozen small pretzels. I would recommend doing as they did and I will next time. Another thing to note, make sure the string is something comfortable. We used yarn, which was soft but a bit itchy at first (of course a few beers in I couldn't tell it was there anymore ;)  ). Something else I think helps is putting the pretzels on and have someone else tie it around your neck to get the right height. We made all three of ours the same length you can see there and my wife (who is about a foot shorter than me) had it hanging to her belt. Hope that helped! How have you  made your pretzel necklaces in the past?

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